Gyaana International School
Memorandum of Understanding for School

Gyaana International School is playing an important role in building the future of a generation. In order to effectively work the school has developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to clearly document the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the Students and Parents.

School is also built on a foundation of shared goals and objectives, which is approached in a constructive and positive manner and achieved through open communication. When school and Parents work together to creatively tackle problems, they may be able to achieve a number of positive outcomes, including:

  • An increased ability of school to gather and analyze useful and timely information about crime and fear of crime in schools in accordance with applicable privacy laws
  • An increased understanding of how to effectively interact with youth through coordinated training on topics such as basic childhood and adolescent development and age-appropriate responses, disability and special education issues, conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques, bias-free policing including implicit bias and cultural competence, restorative justice techniques, and working with specific student groups such as students with disabilities or limited English proficiency.
  • An increased understanding of school code of conduct violations and routine discipline of students remains the responsibility of school administrators, and that no one will be allowed from outside to deal in such matters in order to protect the safety of students, faculty, and staff from the threat of immediate harm
  • An increased understanding to clearly clear all the pending dues by 10 of every month as it may enhance the ability of school and its smooth functioning.
  • An increased understanding that school will send messages on What’s app ,Gmail ,message and other platforms regarding information, fees ,promotion and other school related activities.
  • An increased understanding of school timings from 7:30a.m- 2:00 p.m. which after that will be considered negligible to contact or conduct of any extra work regarding Academics.
  • An increased Understanding of cooperation with Teachers and Staff of the School. Any kind of misbehavior towards school staff will be treated as dismissal of that particular student.
  • Any kind of disputes towards the outcome of the school will be managed by the management and no other person will be liable for taking such responsibilities.
  • Work related to their subjects will be completed by the students no involvement of parents or coachings/tuitions will be accepted by the school.
  • The students doubts will be cleared within the school premises if asked by the students only.
  • The school reserves the rights to for any disputes or redressal regarding the Academics and Parents need to agree on it by signing the MOU.
  • The school will take necessary steps if the academics is not running smoothly.
  • The school will sort out the problem related to child of concerned parent only.
  • The school will not take the concern of parent for other students.
  • Any misbehaviour by staff with parent or student will be taken up seriously and taken seriously if proven.
  • Any default made by the students during academics like homework and others will adversely affect the result of the student and student will be liable for that.
Date :
Signature :