Co-curricular activities are a great way in which students relieve their academic stress. They immensely contribute to the overall development of the students. At Gyaana,the best international school in Kota, we provide opportunities for co-curricular activities such as debate, elocution, art, crafts, singing, abacus, midbrain activations and martial arts. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities. Our objective is to provide exciting ways for you to discover your best in creative expression and imagination.


History of Abacus

Abacus is a 100-year old tool that is used in mathematical calculations. It was widely used by Asian and African merchants and traders. It is largely found in China and Japan but many other places like India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome also used it.

Structure of an Abacus
An abacus has two regions, the upper and the lower. A bar separates these sections. An abacus helps enhance mental calculations and faster multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

There are some benefits of using an abacus that are not widely known. As it helps in a child’s overall development, enrolling them in abacus classes from the beginning will be a great idea.

Listed below are some of the benefits of abacus.

Improves Concentration
Children learn to ignore the distractions around them while they are learning how to use abacus and carry out simple mathematical operations. They move on to a simple visualisation technique, which helps them picturise the abacus in their mind and carry out calculations in their mind once they become experts in using it. This will boost their concentration. These skills come in handy in different situations in life and children will find it easy to focus.

Improves Observation and Listening Skills
A child who has been learning abacus for math can start processing numbers at just one glance as a result of flashcard training. It is one of the many mental training techniques used. As the training continues, children hone their observational skills. Their listening skills also improve as they are trained to hear the numbers only once while solving the problems and it also teaches them to actively listen to the questions.

Enhances Visualisation and Imagination
Kids are encouraged to use a virtual abacus from the very beginning, which helps them solve problems instantly by just imagining an abacus. The imagination and visualisation skills of the kids improve as they start using this technique.

Strengthen Memory
A child has to memorise several images during their number training and while solving problems. Students, while learning abacus tend to remember the final image constructed while solving the problem before they give the last answer. With practice, a child’s ability to memorise things that they see will improve and can even eventually lead to photographic memory.

Amplify Speed and Accuracy
Children are expected to get excellent results in any competitive exam that they appear for. Learning abacus can help them learn how to optimise their time as well as be accurate.

Boosts Creativity
The visualisation and imagination skills that are developed in children as a result of learning abacus will, in turn, inspire them to be more creative.

Increases Self-Confidence
Children who learn abacus regularly receive positive feedback from their teachers, parents and peers. When they take part in demonstrations or national and international competitions, they are exposed to many programmes that have different audiences. This gives kids a powerful boost and improves their self-image and confidence This in turn helps prepare them for future challenges.

Strong Academic Foundation
The qualities that are built in a child as a result of learning abacus eventually becomes a part of their psyche, which forms a strong foundation for their academic performance.

Reduces Stress
Abacus stimulates brain activities, which leads to a break in anxiety levels. The stress levels will become almost non-existent when the child starts to enjoy using abacus.

Enhances Gross Motor Skills
It is necessary for children to use their hands and fingers to move the beads of abacus. Moving the beads helps develop the child’s gross motor skills. It is even more beneficial for children when they learn this at a very young age, than when they get older. Thus, abacus not only improves the brain function of children but also helps in stimulating their sensory organs, which ultimately result in their overall development.

Analytical Skills
The analytical skills of children improve when they are solving a mathematical problem with an abacus’ help. For instance, when a child learns to solve the same problem with several simple formulas, they will automatically learn to figure out which is the right formula to use. This in turn will build their analytical skills.These skills will become useful in different real-life situations as well.
When your child reaches the age of 4, you can enrol him/her in abacus classes. Your child’s brain processes information the right way and they also have a better understanding of how to use the beads or to get their solution right at this age. No matter what the age, it is never too late for a child to learn a new skill and this one is definitely worth learning.

Midbrain Activation

It is a robust programme that boosts your child’s potential to find things out and unleashes their unexplored expertise.

This accelerated study programme is inspired by the methods of Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman, Makoto Shichida, Tony Buzan and many others. It’s a simultaneously soft and strong approach of activating each hemisphere of the mind to speed up the process of finding out the spark of photographic memory and to promote fast-paced reading.

This programme makes early learning fun for youngsters, mothers and fathers and enhances a few of the intelligences that at the instant are predominant requisites to excel in the new millennium. Kids, who have attended the Blindfold Method direction, exhibit fantastic hidden knowledge. ‘Seeing’ and ‘reading’ helps them use their brainwave signals. It might sound a little unrealistic but you’ll be surprised by the creativity and intelligence of the kids.

A person with excellent mental abilities, remarkable advantage and ordinary skill is considered a genius. By activating the midbrain function, your little one can also become one.

What is the science behind the programme?

For four decades, renowned teacher, Dr Makoto Shichida researched and explored the various talents of children. He validated his research by building almost 450 Shichida centres in different parts of Japan and a few more around the globe.

Gyaana International School provides you with a variety of customary music and an actual vibration process. Please be aware of different educational sites or institutions who copy our content.

Here are some of the benefits of our audio source:

  • Kids will become active by listening to the song.
  • We now have numerous activation audio files that have been tried and tested for years. You don’t need to conduct research to create the song.
  • There are two forms of music: one for kids (5–15 years) and the other for adults (Above 15 years).
  • Grown-ups can use vibration systems to remedy any ailments.
  • Grown-ups can also use the vibration process to discover something or predict something, become aware of any disease, choose a companion or employee, make trade or business- related decisions and many others. This is the next degree of vibration approach (VM). You can do mind activation for a lot of people using this process. You do not need to set off character per character. You can expand the degree of success by mixing this approach with the song process.

Here is how midbrain activation is helpful:

  1. It helps children identify colours and numbers while blindfolded.
  2. It helps improve a child’s ability to read and colour while blindfolded.
  3. It also helps children identify various distant objects while blindfolded.